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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report

One-on-One with Chef Travis Petersen


Travis Petersen was first introduced to cooking in his childhood home. Early on, he learned the importance of family dinners and developed a passion for creating the delicious food that gathers people around the table.

His culinary skills have grown a lot from his parents’ kitchen. He’s mostly self-taught, learning via online tutorials and YouTube videos. In 2015, Travis put his cooking chops to the test as a competitor on the MasterChef Canada. His creative work earned him a spot in the top 20 of season three.

Post-MasterChef, this up-and-coming chef shows no signs of slowing down. In January of 2016, Travis started his own business. The Nomad Cook is an on-site, full-service operation; they bring and prep the food, cook, serve and even clean; leaving the host stress-free and able to focus on their guests.

With this project, Travis wanted to take chefs out of the kitchen and give them a chance to interact, throughout the entire meal, with their customers. “Hearing that moan of satisfaction after the first bite of a dish is one of the best sounds in life. It’s addictive and something I strive to hear every course I make,” he says with a smile. This experience is what he wants other chefs to have too.

This mindset and his affinity for social media have propelled him even further. It was through chats on Facebook that he found himself, in 2017, cooking at the famous Dinner in the Sky in Vancouver.


Do you have a lucky charm in the kitchen?

My mini fork pinned to my apron.

Your favourite spice?


What’s the last thing you burned?


What makes you “kitchen angry”?

Messes and mistakes.

Latest flavour combination you discovered?

Szechuan flower bulb and cilantro.

What’s your most extravagant purchase?

My knifes.

Favourite song in the kitchen?

Best Day Ever by Mac Miller.

What’s your comfort food?


What’s your most essential tool?

Also my knives.

If you could change anything in the food industry, what would it be?

Legalized edibles.

FavoUrite smell in the kitchen?

Garlic and butter.

What’s your bad habit?


What do you admire in other chefs?

Their artistic skill for plating.

What or who is your greatest inspiration?

Anthony Bourdain.

The dish you are the most proud of?

The next one I will create.

What’s your ‘end of the world’ menu?

Simple: tacos and noodles.

Your favourite advice or quote?

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t make!

Thanks to Travis for joining us at RC Show 2019 where he took part on the panel, ‘The Future of Cannabis in Canada: When will POT be in our POTS?‘.


  1. Just readingJune Zoomer. I would never touch anything you cook. Why do you think I should ingest a drug so I can let my brain enjoy please only caused by something I ingest

    I am perfectly happy and enjoy life with cannabis.

    Shame on you to poison others bodies.

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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report