Chef Jeremy Charles doesn’t strike me as someone who enjoys the limelight. He addresses Pay Chen, the host of tonight’s event at Toronto’s George Brown College, directly when she asks him questions. He...
READ MOREIronically, Chef Rod Butters’ cooking career began with an injured arm. An excellent athlete, he was offered a baseball scholarship to Indiana State University, however his professional sports ambitions were cut short after...
READ MOREThe Okanagan Table: The Art of Everyday Home Cooking is Chef Rod Butters‘ latest cookbook and a Silver winner at the Taste Canada Awards. The cookbook is a love letter to the Okanagan...
READ MOREThe first thing you’ll read upon opening Chef Rod Butters’ cookbook The Okanagan Table: The Art of Everyday Cooking is a quote from the chef himself: “When you cook with passion, you feed...
READ MOREAsk anyone who has worked a kitchen job and they’ll most likely tell you the same thing; it’s not as glamorous as movies, TV, or social media makes it out to be. The...
READ MOREMichaela Morris wears many hats. She’s a wine writer, educator, speaker, and a judge for wine competitions as well. In her past life, she worked as marketing manager for premium wine importing company...
READ MOREWhen Aiza Del La Cruz was growing up in the Philippines, she was obsessed with watching cooking shows. She found the chefs fascinating and their uniforms eye-catching. She thought to herself, “I think...
READ MOREJean-François Archambault is a chef for the good of the people. In February, the 2019 RC Leadership Award was awarded to Archambault, the managing director and founder of La Tablée des Chefs. Soon...
READ MORETechnology has been a significant disruptor for a number of industries, including brick and mortar retail stores, the taxi industry and traditional accommodation. It was only a matter of time before technology would...
READ MOREAngela Aiello’s alter ego is ‘Super Wine Girl’ – fitting as I imagine that her super powers include being a sharp entrepreneur with a deep understanding of branding, and the ability to translate...