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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report

One-on-One With Chef Charlotte Langley


P.E.I. native Chef Charlotte Langley’s cooking is often referred to as “maritime chic”. Now pair this attribute with a clear obsession for champagne and oysters – if you know Bibs & Bubbs, you know what I’m referring to – and you’ll have a better understanding of who you are dealing with.

From P.E.I., she has brought more than just a love for all maritime flavours, but also a profound respect for local produce, producers and a genuine excitement for sustainable seafood. Like the Atlantic winds, she is a strong and unpredictable multi-tasker. She finds herself anywhere from the kitchen to the TV, from painting with icing at the AGO to curating food for the RC Show.

Get to know her better through this fast and fun interview:

Do you have a lucky charm in the kitchen?

I keep a small stone and frankincense.

What’s the last thing you burned?

I forgot about some chocolate chip cookies in the oven last week.

Your favourite spice?

Fennel pepper.

What makes you “kitchen angry”?

I prefer to be tidy, so… when I make a mess, I get kitchen angry with myself!

Latest flavour combination you discovered?

Seaweed vodka martini.

What’s your most extravagant purchase?

My vacuum. 

Favourite song in the kitchen?

Anything Al Green, Nat King Cole and a lot of classical.

What’s your comfort food?

Pierogies… and boiled dinner also.

What’s your most essential tool?

My favourite small green-handled knife.

If you could change anything in the food industry, what would it be?

Same as what Suzanne says

Favourite smell in the kitchen?

Fresh bread, roasting bones, soft onions and garlic, roasting peppers and tomatoes… Lots! Too many…

What’s your bad habit?

Too many to list here.

What do you admire in other chefs?

Perseverance, integrity, passion and honesty.

What or who is your greatest inspiration?

Every single person I have the chance to touch and know, nature, many other chefs, love and life!

The dish you are the proudest of?

The moment I thought I had created Foilandaise, lol, long time ago.

What’s your end of the world menu?

Champagne and oysters, T-bone  steak, lots of different types of potato preparations, gravy, crunchy Caesar salad and last but not least caviar!

Your favourite advice or quote?

Don’t just do it to do it, do it to do it well 🙂

Want more?

Have a seat at Charlotte’s table May 27 and 28 for the 1st Greasy Spoon Dinner in Toronto
and support Sistering and A Better Life Foundation.
For more information, click here.

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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report