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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report

2021 Canadian Beer & Wine Report and Showcase


As the summer months near, Canadians everywhere begin to move outdoors for the most important (and fleeting) of seasons – patio season. Knowing that our country and industry continue to battle COVID across all provinces, patios will continue to be a pivotal touchpoint for restaurants across Canada. It will be essential to ensure that your bar menu is hitting on what consumers are looking for.

With this in mind, our team collaborated with CGA Nielsen to gather data on the current scope of the beer and wine sectors and consumer behaviour. We’ve paired this in-depth review of the industry with insights and thought leadership from some of the major players and brands including Molson Canada, Waterloo Brewing, and Arterra Wine. The Report is accompanied by the Bar & Bev Showcase with innovative, new, or interesting products and brands for your business to leverage on their menu.

Click the cover below and flip through the Report and Showcase:

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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report