Fastest-Growing Healthy Claims
The fastest-growing healthy claims on Canadian menus reflect a greater shift in the perception and definition of healthy eating. Traditional healthy claims such as “no sugar” and “fat-free” are not appearing on this fastest-growing list, with sourcing, plant-based and allergen claims instead showing greater growth on menus.
Free-range is the fastest-growing healthy claim on menus. The claim is appearing most often with reference to both chicken and eggs. Another quality cue on the rise is Grade A, also in reference to eggs. Grade A is assigned to eggs that have a clean, unbroken shell and clear, somewhat firm egg whites. The increase of these claims reflects a growing consumer preference for more sourcing and quality indicators.
Decaf is another one of the fastest-growing healthy claims on menus, indicating that consumers may be seeking out more caffeine-free options. Not surprisingly, this claim is most often paired with coffee as an option, allowing consumers to customize the caffeine in their drinks.
Dairy-free is also a healthy claim rising on menus, most commonly in the form of nondairy cheeses and milks such as almond and oat milks, which are both on the rise.
Unlike dairy-free choices, lactose-free items do contain actual dairy, just without lactose, a sugar that is a common allergen as it can be difficult to digest and cause stomach problems. This claim is often appearing as lactose-free cheese options on pizza.

Source: Technomic Ignite Menu data, Q3 2022-Q3 2023