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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report

We’re Celebrating Food Day Canada 2019 Along with These Canadian Chefs

This Saturday, August 3rd is #FoodDayCanada and we’re excited to help spread the word! Food Day Canada was started 16 years ago by Anita Stewart, a culinary author and food advocate, with the aim to shine a spotlight on Canadian cuisine and those who help make it happen. Food Day Canada / Journée des terroirs celebrates the restaurant owners, chefs, producers, farmers and more who put food on our plates. As Anita puts it, “Canada IS food and the world is richer for it”. 

One in eight Canadian jobs are related to agriculture. Canada is the world’s largest producer of blueberries, we produce over 50 varieties of apples and we produce about 80% of the world’s maple syrup. We export our fruit, veg, meat, and more all over the world – but how much do we support it here at home? The Canadian agriculture industry is an integral part of our economy and we can help support it!

On this day of action, Canadians are encouraged to share Canada’s distinct and diverse culinary culture with one another and the world. Celebrating Food Day Canada is easy and accessible for everyone! Join in by cooking like a Canadian, or eating like one! Chefs across Canada are participating in Food Day Canada by serving up locally-sourced dishes. 

We spoke to a few of these chefs that are putting Canada on the menu this year.

Here’s what they had to say about Canadian cuisine, local terroir, and why it’s important. 

For more information on Food Day Canada, check out the Restaurants Canada blog.

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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report