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The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report

Ontario Bill 148 Update


Ontario Bill 148 Update

In advance of the spring 2018 election, the Liberal government in Ontario has aggressively pushed Bill 148 (Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017) through the Legislature. The Liberals see this as a key campaign commitment, which will raise the minimum wage in Ontario to $14/hour on January 1, 2018, and $15 in 2019. What cannot be understated, however, is just how significantly Bill 148 will alter the employment and labour landscape in Ontario. While many know of the bill for the minimum wage increases, there are dozens of amendments that will add layers of red tape and new conditions for employers.

The implementation timelines on these amendments remain unknown, as does how and when the other legislative amendments will be enacted and enforced. Business owners from all sectors are now subject to significant uncertainty around their 2018 obligations. Restaurants Canada has been working aggressively on behalf of our members to help the government understand the full implications for the foodservice industry. Working alongside leaders from the sector and a coalition of aligned business interests, the team at Restaurants Canada has been actively campaigning MPPs from all parties. There is also a role for individual members to reach out from your local communities to voice your concerns.

We encourage you to visit and send a note to your MPP or ask for a meeting to discuss the impacts that Bill 148 will have on your business and your employees. While much remains unknown, Restaurants Canada members can always reach out to our membership team with concerns or for advice.

Call us toll free today with your questions or visit us at Toll-free: 1-800-387-5649.

The Quarterly Canadian Restaurant Intelligence Report